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What's the Right Fit?

Choosing the right information manager can be tricky. Here we discuss what makes Zoot different from other information managers.

Database Model

Most information managers store all of your information in a single database. This may not present a problem in the short-term, but over time an information manager that stores all of your data in a single database is likely to succumb to information sprawl as the database grows and becomes increasingly more complex and unwieldy.


We've all experienced times in our lives when things get a bit hectic. During these times it can be difficult to keep up with all of our projects. That's when it's important to be able to set aside our less important projects so that we don't lose control of them. Zoot's multi-database approach can make a crucial difference here because it lets you prioritize your most critical projects over the less important ones.


Flexibility can be a double-edged sword when it comes to information management software. Too much flexibility can be overwhelming, too little and you may find yourself boxed-in at some point. Right out of the box Zoot provides a standard approach to information management which is suitable for most scenarios, but Zoot also offers a tremendous amount of flexibility at the database level for those edge cases when you need to push the boundaries.


GTD also benefits from a multi-database approach. Every Zoot database has its own built-in GTD system that you can tailor to the type of task management required for a given project so you're not mixing up your work tasks, your household tasks, and your hobby tasks all in the same GTD system. An unfocused GTD system will not help you work more efficiently. It may do just the opposite.

Content Delivery

Zoot will be a good fit for you if you like to manage information all in one place. Zoot has Feed, Reddit, E-Mail and Pocket clients built in. If you have multiple e-mail accounts you can dedicate an entire database to each one of them. You can add topic-specific feeds to each of your databases or you can use the general-purpose Feeds database to read all of your feeds in one place. Zoot lets you pull in content from all over the Web and gives you a power set of tools to process it all.

Multiple Computers

It's a good bet you do work on more than one computer and Zoot has you covered. Zoot keeps your databases up-to-date on every computer you use via Dropbox, OneDrive, or any other file synchronization software.

Speech Recognition

Zoot is the only information manager designed from the ground up to support speech recognition. With over 300 custom voice commands you can control every aspect of your information management empire. Zoot works with the industry-leading Dragon® speech recognition software from Nuance® to provide you with the best experience.

Just Zoot It

If you need to manage multiple projects over a long period of time we think it's worth considering a multi-database approach. Give Zoot a try - there's nothing to lose with our 60 Day Free Trial.